Liebherr LTM 1060-3.1 User Manual Page 7

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LTM 1060-3.1
Variable steering concept
Active rear axle steering
The rear axles are actively electro-hydraulically controlled in accordance with
the speed and steering angle of the front axle. Five different steering pro-
grammes (P) can be selected by touch button.
Remarkably reduced tyre wear
Improved manoeuvrability
Stable driving condition even at high speeds
All three axles can be steered
High safety standards –
entire know-how from Liebherr
Centring cylinder for automatic straightening of rear axles in case of failure
Two independent hydraulic circuits with wheel and engine driven hydraulic pump
Two independent control computers
P1 Road steering
The axle 1 is mechanically steered by the
steering wheel. The axle 3 is actively steered
depending on the speed and on the steering
angle of the 1st axle. Above 30 km/h it will be
adjusted to straight driving and fixed.
P2 All-wheel steering
The axles 2 and 3 are turned by the steering
wheel depending on the steering angle of the
1st axle to provide for the smallest turning
P3 Crab steering
The axles 2 and 3 are turned by the steering
wheel to the same direction as the steering
position of axle 1.
P4 Reduced swing out
The axles 2 and 3 are turned depending on
the wheel turn of the 1st axle to minimize the
back swing of the rear of the chassis.
P5 Independent rear axle steering
The axle 1 is steered by the steering wheel,
the axles 2 and 3 are steered by push buttons
independently from the steering angle of the
axle 1.
Centring cylinder on the rear axles
Automatic straightening of rear
axles in case of failure
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