HC 1550/15517084 199-00Use and Care ManualFor “NoFrost” Combined Refrigerator-Freezers with IceMaker
10Turning the Appliance On and Off - Figure 8Clean the appliance before turning it on for the first time.SeeCleaning.Donotplacefrozenfoodinthe
11operaTionTemperature Display - Figure 8Innormaloperation,thefollowingsettingswillbedisplayed:• theaveragerefrigeratortemperature• thewa
12operaTion How to deactivate the Sabbath mode• ActivatethesetupmodebytouchingtheSuperFrost icon for 5 seconds.- the display shows • Touchth
13operaTion Figure 9 = Drop symbol resetAfterthewaterfilterhasbeenchanged the drop symbol on the display must be reset.How to reset the drop sym
14 = Temperature display modeYou can choose the unit of temperature for the dis-playindegreesFahrenheitordegreesCelsius.Thefactorysettingisd
15operaTion Figure 10=ResetairfilterLEDAftertheairfilterinthetoekickareahasbeencleanedtheairfilterLEDmustbereset.Forhowtoc
16refrigeraTor ComparTmenTArranging Food - Figure 11(1) Butter,cheese(2) Eggs,cans,drinks(3) Bottles(4) Frozenfood,icecubes(5) Meatandsa
17If you need space for large bottles and con-tainers.Placetheshelfrailspro-vided on the supports on the left and right at the desired height - Fi
18Bottom drawer partition - Figure 21Ifdesired,insertthepartitiongridpro-vided with the accessories pack.Openthebottomfreezerdrawer and inse
19freezer ComparTmenTFreezing and Storage• Packfrozenfoodinstandardfreezerbagsorreusable plastic, metal or aluminum containers.• Donotallo
2Congratulations on your purchase. Choosing this appliance means you want all the ben-efits of state-of-the-art refrigeration technology, guaranteeing
20iCemakerSafety Instructions and Warnings for the Automatic Ice Maker • Theicemakerisdesignedexclusivelytomakeicecubes in quantities needed
21DefrosTing / CleaningDefrostingRefrigerator compartmentThe refrigerator compartment defrosts automatically. The water that forms on the rear wall dr
22CleaningFigure 26• Openthebottomfreezerdrawerandremovetheventilation grille by pulling forwards - Figure 26. The grille is supported magnet
23VaCaTionVacation Tips (Figure 29)Short vacationsItisnotnecessarytoturnofftherefrigeratorandfreez-er if you will be away for less than four
24TroubleshooTingProblem Possible Cause and RemedyAppliancedoesnotwork, display is off- Istheapplianceturnedonproperly? - Isthepowercord
25Customer ServiceIfnoneoftheabovepossiblecausesapply,andyoucan not rectify the fault yourself, contact your nearest customer service repres
26WarranTyLIEBHERR WARRANTY PLANFULLTWOYEARWARRANTYFortwoyearsfromthedateoforiginalpurchase,yourLiebherrwarrantycoversallpartsandla
3IMPORTANTAll types and models are subject to continuous improvement. The manufacturer reserves the right to make modifications in the shape, equipmen
4safeTyDisposal of Old Appliance DANGER! Risk of child entrapment. Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or abandone
5safeTyImportant Safety Information• Topreventinjurytoyouordamagetotheunit,the appliance should be unpacked and set up by two people.• If
6safeTySafety RegulationsTheapplianceisdesignedtocool,freezeandstorefoodandtomakeice.Itisdesignedasahouseholdappli-ance. IMPORTANT
7WaTer filTerWater Filter - Figure 1Beforeturningontheapplianceinstallthewaterfil-ter provided in the interior rear wall of the refrigerator c
8feaTuresFigure 5Description of Appliance and Equipment - Figure 5Description of refrigerator(1) Operatingandcontrolelements(2) Butterandcheese
9feaTuresFreezer operating icons TemperatureUpcontrol(toincreasethefreezertempera-ture) TemperatureDowncontrol(toreducethefreezertempe
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